Side Step Cancer

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite drink?

Google it.

I have been a student of the Hippocrates Institute for twenty years. It’s real. I initially went there because of a friend, given a prognosis of 3-6 months. The oncologist said – “we are going to cut out you lymph nodes. You will have not taste or saliva glands. You will have to carry a pump spray.” He thought, why would I do that, if I only have months to live. Smart man.

He heard of Hippocrates and signed up. I talked to my friend the other day. He still drinks wheat grass and green drinks. He works out. Twenty years with cancer in the rear view mirror.

I thought, “Why wait to have cancer. Why not learn about my health now and circumvent this disease.” I have been to the institute twice and can’t wait to go back.

I have yet more testimony.

Both my younger sister and my daughter were diagnosed with stage four cancer, a month apart. My sister went to Hippocrates right away. She has been cancer free for five years. She has never looked sick and she plays pickle ball every day.

My daughter on the other hand was influenced by my older sister. Steeped in processed food. Over indulgence and vats of wine. She is an RN and favors all things western. She chases psychotropics, antibiotics, tests and more tests.

When I offered to pay for my daughter’s visit to Hippocrates, her reply was, “MaMa, that would be doing nothing.”

She lived eighteen months in excruciating pain. She passed. She chose MacDonald’s milkshakes over green drinks.

Cancer is personal.

World Class

sherwood crossfit

We had visitors today at our Box; two families of athletes from Sherwood, Arkansa. One couple were the owners, of Sherwood Crossfit. They were impressive athletes and I could not help but be inspired.

My talk with Jon, after the class, stirred the caldron, of my two continuous conflicting thoughts, that seem to persist, in my pursuit of excellence. One, keep at it, and I will get stronger. Push, but don’t over do it.  And the second is a nagging, feeling that I can do way more.

I find my peace, (where there is none) somewhere in between.

Crossfit is world class.

I took the words of Greg Glassman from the website page of the Sherwood CrossFit page,

They are the recipe.

Can I get healthier? Yes.

Can I get stronger? Yes.

Can I get younger? No.

Does it matter? No.

Am I world class?  ~

Nobody’s Perfect

IMG_1206You are what you eat~

I resisted this concept – the same as everything else. I had a friend years ago that educated me about nutritional health, through vegetables, brown rice, unprocessed foods, etc.  But did I listen to these word of wisdom ~ no. Now that I am not as contemptuous of good advice and, I am desirous of health, I weigh the same as I did when I was fourteen years old.

Health is wealth~

Yes, I could quit drinking Mountain Dew. However, I’m not adding vodka or anything.

Nobody’s perfect~

Step 2

Crazy, insane repeating the same thing over and again feeling terrible ~ wanting things to be different, but staying stuck in a life that has nothing but misery. Do you create your own life or are you just a victim of circumstances. Insanity is contagious, but so is healthy mannerisms.

Statistics of Insanity in The United States (1860)

domestic troubles and griefs religious anxiety mental anxiety financial reverses fear and fright nostalgia vicious habits and indulgences loss of sleep spiritualism over-exertion old age unclassified physical causes, as far back as 1886=you drank yesterday and you drink today but you think you have the flu you live with a man who beats you and you go back to him you smoke your stuff drink your laudanum and wonder why you’re broke you do coke and wonder why all of those creeps are hanging around you try to keep up with the Joneses and can’t sleep at night because you can’t pay your bills and so you’re sick so you go to the doctor who gives you pills that have side effects and you end up having a job to pay all of your doctor bills and when you walk into the local~market above you’re expected to say that you are having a great day.

What the f*%k?

There is a way out.

Step Two

OxyContin for Surfers

I don’t think so!

I had a thought, for a post. One that I am passionate about. It concerned health and healing. As I was writing, in another room, the newscasters were droning on. It caught my attention. Once again, they were talking about Facebook and Blogging, and how no privacy exists today. The government flags certain blogs, because of language. Buzz words. Government is probably one of the buzzers. Who knows? That thought inhibits me.My original idea was; the use of drugs goes against the concept of  FREE SPIRIT.  A soul surfer would never want drugs!