New/Old Story

Morally indefensible – Disrobe your social self – What you reveal and conceal – Luck; residue of design.

I purchased On The Road. A 24 dollar book with miles of entertainment for my brain. I am on page 56; still in the introduction. A foreword describing the process of Jack Kerouac’s writing and publishing. His personal thoughts on what drove him. He was divergent. Something that people for the most part do not want to be. I believe it was natural to him. He was a product of Catholicism, jazz, travel and drugs.

Continue reading New/Old Story

I’m Pregnant

To all of my regular readers, thank you. We have hung in there.

This is still a personal journal, but with a new twist. I have joined a writer’s group. I never thought this would be possible here in the tropics. I am grateful. Once a week I get to meet with other writers and artists. We have discussions about the how to get our work out there.

Continue reading I’m Pregnant

Alone – I Fly

The flesh has been torn from the bones of my soul
My breath has come up short
Life’s distance in years is a highway
I crawl past an angel wing

The flesh has been torn from the bones of my soul
I exhale
Overcome by guilt and shame
I run to be with others

The flesh has been torn from the bones of my soul
I inhale
I am alone
I fly

!Costa Rica!

An international tourist destination. The once, lonely planet spot on the map, that people were scared to go to, is now a place that people, will sell everything they own, sight unseen, and traipse down here. Convinced they have found paradise. The tropics.

I had the smallest snake in my shower with me. I killed it. Then I had a tiny scorpion on the shower curtain. I killed it. This was in the last week.

As I am beginning to write the monkeys have begun to howl. I love that.

I have my Red Bull. Red Bull and monkeys make the world go around.

Continue reading !Costa Rica!

Coffee Wars


Yeah – it looks a little dirty. The sock turns brown and stays that way. The wood gets stained, from early morning spills. It’s Ok.

Give me a sock and some good coffee.

I use to drag a ten cup Mr. Coffee with me, everywhere I went. ~ Goodbye to that!

Now, when I come to the modern world, with it’s Jetson bean machines, I have my third world apparatus in tow.

Have I won or lost this coffee war?

*I found this in my drafts. It’s an example of my here again, there again life.

* I’m back.