Crabs in a Big Brown Bucket

Meet Rafa. He has lived with all of his life until last night.

We are in Costa Rica wondering exactly what happened. But really we know. It’s gonna take a while to process.

Rafa’s Dad came to live with us over twenty years ago. He was living in a man camp. And kept getting fired from all of his jobs. I met him when a man building my fence asked to hire him. When I saw how Nestor held a hammer I knew why he got fired all of the time. I took the hammer from his hand. ‘It’s OK.”

He came to live with us. He got married. He had two children. We lived here like a family. Many things have occurred. We have been through a lot together.

Rafa graduated high school and wanted to go to college. I believe Rafa is an exceptional person with a high I Q.

His parents refuse to let him attend the University. We offered to pay for his tuition. He is now working as a laborer. He is now a laborer who belongs in academia. He wants to be in academia. I didn’t make this up for him.

His parents have moved to a Nicaraguan “hood”.

There is much racism here in Costa Rica. The general consensus is Nicas are not smart. Drunks. The women are loose. And they will never get anywhere. I have experienced a lot of racism dumped on this kid. And now I have seen it dumped on him by his own parents.

Unbelievable. They sincerely believe he needs to stay out of school. No education for Rafa.

Continue reading Crabs in a Big Brown Bucket

Escape ?


I would like to write a normal post. But I don’t believe there is any such thing anymore. Why are my photos tagged screenshot?

I just had to delete a list of freeloaders on my widgets ( the directional columns on the left), I don’t know these people. I don’t want to know them. I don’t want to be a springboard for other people’s scams and marketing tactics. I pay for this blog. I pay for it to be free of advertisements.

In the beginning, I wrote about being free of alcohol and I was loaded down with Vodka ads. I couldn’t have that.

I have never participated on this site to try and make money. And I darn sure don’t need a machine to do my writing for me. I don’t need a machine to create art or to play music. Sorry y’all but I am bored to tears when you are on stage musically masturbating with your gadgets. And then it all sounds the same. Every song. No soul.


Many have jumped on board. The blog posts are often appalling.

Continue reading Escape ?

Circulo ~

At one time, here in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, a ponga was the way to go on the water. It was all you needed. One oar would do, if that was all you had. Get on the water and cast your lines. Fish were over abundant here. The coastline left behind, in a world of speed. Fast people living fast lives, simply were not here.

Now, the boats, people and construction is moving at a pace, equivalent of the sound breaking barrier aircraft of my youth. I lived in the country. Cecil Airfield was down the road. I would be sitting by the pool and here a boom. An aircraft breaking the sound barrier. I paid no attention. Why should I?

Today as I type, the boom here is evident. My sleepy village is alive. It’s a snake swallowing its tail.

El Mar = Vida

Daily writing prompt
How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?

This is a loaded question. I can say no, but I’m not stiff with my time. I go with the flow. An eclectic cartesian point rules my world. It points towards the sea. Everything else is what happens while I create my goals. Giving my time is Love.

Watch The Grass Grow

Daily writing prompt
What bores you?

If you are bored – you are boring. I always say I am not a jealous or envious person because I am fascinated by my own life. I’m the kind of person who can enjoy watching the grass grow. I almost got bored thinking about what bores me. I drew a blank. Then the grass took off.

*This photo was taken in Cordele GA. My granddaughter drove as I snapped shots with my Canon 7d. One of my favorites. This shot is symbolic of the South. Coming apart at the seams.


Playa Avellanes

*I took this photo at sunset with my Canon 7d. A desire to watch that ball of fire descend beneath the horizon draws people together. It’s natural. It’s free.

This is how I prefer to live my life. Being in nature. Living a slow life by the ocean.

Continue reading People

I am a Whitehouse/Westside Miscreant

Daily writing prompt
Have you ever unintentionally broken the law?

Oh hell yeahI stayed one step ahead of the shoe shine, two steps away from the county line. Just trying to keep my customers satisfied. Satisfied.

*I have written about it throughout my blog* My writing is full of the truth. Confessional. That is why it is obscured. But it can be unearthed. You have to want to know.

*The photo is of my 1991 Toyota that I drive on Amelia Island, FL. Land of the rich and famous. One time sunny place for shady characters. Some consider keeping this rusted, mule of a vehicle, on the road – criminal. I have fun.

*Catch me if you can.

*Whitehouse/Westide is a part of Jacksonville FL – It is called Zone 4 – which is across the board, known as a heart rate zone. It is where I am from.

*whoops – I read the prompt wrong.

New/Old Story

Morally indefensible – Disrobe your social self – What you reveal and conceal – Luck; residue of design.

I purchased On The Road. A 24 dollar book with miles of entertainment for my brain. I am on page 56; still in the introduction. A foreword describing the process of Jack Kerouac’s writing and publishing. His personal thoughts on what drove him. He was divergent. Something that people for the most part do not want to be. I believe it was natural to him. He was a product of Catholicism, jazz, travel and drugs.

Continue reading New/Old Story