Escape ?


I would like to write a normal post. But I don’t believe there is any such thing anymore. Why are my photos tagged screenshot?

I just had to delete a list of freeloaders on my widgets ( the directional columns on the left), I don’t know these people. I don’t want to know them. I don’t want to be a springboard for other people’s scams and marketing tactics. I pay for this blog. I pay for it to be free of advertisements.

In the beginning, I wrote about being free of alcohol and I was loaded down with Vodka ads. I couldn’t have that.

I have never participated on this site to try and make money. And I darn sure don’t need a machine to do my writing for me. I don’t need a machine to create art or to play music. Sorry y’all but I am bored to tears when you are on stage musically masturbating with your gadgets. And then it all sounds the same. Every song. No soul.


Many have jumped on board. The blog posts are often appalling.

Continue reading Escape ?

The Highly Unusual

Daily writing prompt
Who are your favorite people to be around?

Characters in Carl Hiaasen novels. All of them. Miscreants and law abiding. Rich and poor. They are all in Florida and like people I have known in my life. But these folk are in the book and removed from reality. My preferred habitation.

* this photo is one I posted in my instagram @everydaypaparraza – yes that is Flea. Bass player for Red Hot Chili Peppers and my friend Ellen Zoe Golden. Miami journalist turned New York publicist.

66 – Edits

I have been forced to live in a technological world for 43 years. It began when I enrolled in college. I took an English Comp and Statistics class. I had to do every thing on the computer. I complied. It was an edit in my life.

Add on take away. That’s editing. When something doesn’t work – change it. If it’s wrong it’s wrong, forever.

What makes sense to one person, confuses another. Some people never bother to write a sentence that needs editing. Nor do they think to change their life. To move. To learn new things.

To add to or take away.

That’s editing. My life is full of edits.

66 Photos – I am a Widget

I AM A WIDGET/Gallery Lover

My soul is enmeshed with these subjects. Each photo a memory. A person impressed in my being, like words in print. They tell a story. I know these people intimately, as I look at them over and over through the years.

If you are on an iPhone and you tap the horizontal bars in the right corner, my widgets will appear. They are mostly photo galleries. The first is always changing order. The other two are stationary. I recently updated all three. I am sad to say, that it took me two and a half months to follow through with this task.

I am getting back to this writing. Mostly in first person. The snap shot encapsulate my life. And my love of the people that I share this planet with. I am fascinated by people.

My instagram has 800 portraits. Check them out. Yes, there is a turtle and a guitar. But most are people. Every day, extraordinary people. That was the purpose of the site. I wanted to link it as a widget in the sidebar but was unsuccessful.

Most of my unsuccessful technical endeavors go by the wayside until I am ready to tackle it.

In the meantime, I browse-look at my photos and read other’s blogs.

I am a happy widget.

As a side note to my sidebar – Many indigenous people do not want their photos taken. They believe their souls will be stolen. I encountered this at The Moon Dance in Costa Rica and with the Mayans in Guatemala. I could have snuck their photos but I backed off.

My soul is entwined.

We are one.

Day 153

This is day 153 of the year 2022. There are 215 days left. And I am here in the moment. En Route 66…………….

“Think of the life you have lived until now as over and, as a dead man, see what’s left as a bonus and live it according to Nature. Love the hand that fate deals you and play it as your own, for what could be more fitting?” – Marcus Aurelius

DxO One

The interchange of technology has no terminal velocity. It continually accelerates. Which is wonderful if you have cavernous pockets. Or your spending habits have no boundaries. Or you happen to be one of those photographers that the manufacturers/sales and marketers give the cameras to, to entice others to purchase their newest, latest and greatest camera or gadget. Continue reading DxO One