Violent Peace

Daily writing prompt
What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

Through the years having miles of conversations concerning peace and violence, people would always bring up Ghandi. I would have to inform them he did not win India through 100% peace. He was told to give up or the British were going to slaughter a community and that they did. When this massacre became public things changed. What is wrong with people? What is the inhumane nature of humanity about? It cannot be ignored. We all must choose our paths daily. I do. It’s been a long walk.

Billy Jack, Walking Tall and My Name is Nobody are movies I frequented in my youth. Just to be asked this question has flooded my mind with childhood/teenage memories.

At one time, I knew the entire script of Billy Jack. I was enamored with the idea of pacifism. – I was expressing peace daily. Expounding on the concept of peace. As I pontificated on peace one day, my brother grabbed me and beat me up. He said that was to assure me that I was not a pacifist. I do not speak to my brother anymore. It took many years to break that familial tie, but I finally did it. I was also a runaway. I related to the kids, in Jane’s camp. There was such an underground world of care back at that time. I do not regret any of my adventures. Except for maybe not being able to make it on my own, and having to come home. I hope to enroll at the Universidad de Paz in Costa Rica, this August. I am and always have been in pursuit of peace.

Bufford Pusser in Walking Tall had similar characteristics as Billy Jack. Billy Jack was an avenger. So was Bufford. He stood up for the disadvantaged. He took names and he kicked ass. One low life m-fer at a time. Greed and corruption had taken over his Tennessee home town, whilst he was away prize fighting. When he came home, he didn’t recognize his neighborhood. Gambling and prostitution had taken over. He became the local sheriff/peacemaker. Bufford walked with a big stick and beat the hell out of the low crawling, scumbag, vermin that had infested his peaceful hill. The tragic thing was the bad guys in an attempt to assassinate Bufford, with a long range rifle, killed his wife. And they will die and go to hell for that. Walking Tall was based on a true story.

My Name is Nobody started out with a guy, in a mountain stream, catching fish with his hands. Then he was in a saloon. He drew six guns and slapped a guy in the face, faster than lightening. Pow, pow, pow! Nobody was an out of touch with reality character. It was a spaghetti western/comedy. I was in the eleventh grade and I would drive myself and my sister to the theatre. We would laugh hysterically. I wanted be like Nobody. Sling and slap. M-fer, you are going down. I despise the dog pile of life. And I don’t like being at the bottom. I have had to scrap and scrape in my life. These movies were cathartic for me. – Henry Fonda who played in this movie was asked, who is faster than the fastest gunslinger in town and his reply was “Nobody.” Hence, Nobody showed up to save the day.

I watched those movies fifty and over years ago. I am going to watch them again. If my information concerning these movies is incorrect, get over it. I don’t want to fight about it. Look them up and read about them. Watch them. They are great movies. I wrote this from memory. And what a special memory this has been.

It’s funny – I checked AI for feedback on my writing. I have to laugh. — Beware of the new corruption. There is zero way to fight back.

Who am I?

Daily writing prompt
What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?

To continue to write. To write better. To learn. I have been studying social justice. It’s been an underlying theme in my life. I have found myself at odds with people in Jacksonville FL concerning race issues. I seek peace. Discovering Thomas Sowell has been a huge plus. I would like to enroll at the University of Peace, here in Costa Rica. One term, one class. Conflict Resolution. My main opposition often insults the poor and uneducated. I don’t want to do battle. There has to be a better way. A higher road.

I am a Cracker by Birth, A Redneck by Default, and a Peace Seeker Through Reading Writing and Education.

My Island My Playground

there will be peace

I’ve done something unusual today. I am on my porch writing. I am in my daughter’s alcove. It’s where she comes outside to smoke, on her too brief, visits with me. It’s on the street side of my home, where I have two, white rockers, in between a round table, covered with a nice table cloth from a second hand shop, around the corner.

It’s almost becoming too light, for me, to feel at ease, out here, in my bathrobe. In my too thick, soft, warm and embracing coat of comfort ~

2 the easing or alleviation of a person’s feelings of grief or distress: a few words of comfort | they should take comfort that help is available. • [in singular] a person or thing that helps to alleviate a difficult situation: his friendship was a great comfort. 3 US dialect a warm quilt. 

The wind blows hard through the tree, across the street. It makes the rushing sound of impending rain. Rain that will pass us by, today, The bird, that sang alone, is now in concert, with others near by and blocks down the road.

The first car passed at 5:26. They were in a hurry.

I took the picture above, in yesterday’s evening. Around the bend were hoards of people. Everyone enjoying themselves. Children swimming, in the dangerous currents, of the Nassau River. Not a care in the world.

Back to my right, are fishermen. Some good and others, not so good.

We had to leave when the fish started biting, due to one of the many laws and regulations, here on Amelia Island. You cannot be on the beach, after sundown.

I took all of the comfort that I could get, in my afternoon hours, walking with my feet in the sand. Smiling at all of the people; Latin, Asian, People of Color and Anglos. We were of different cultures. We were all mixto, and no problemo.

But not far down the road in Jacksonville, there is protest and riots, in the streets. They are working towards compromise, but I can’t help but feel, that the white people want the black people back in their cage.

I am a wild thing.

I live on this Island, that is over run. It is being inhabited by greed. The greedy ~

greed·y| ˈɡrēdē | adjective (greedier, greediest) having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power: greedy thieves who plundered a defense contractor. • having an excessive desire or appetite for food. ~

Everyone wants their slice, but the pie is only so big.

So, the Island has become pie in the sky.

I sit on my porch and enjoy the breeze, momentarily, unhindered by the stench of the mill. I enjoy nature and I wait on it’s Mother.

She will have the final say so.

There will be peace.

There is peace.

Be Still and Know ~


100_2312-1shsb I have been in MINDFUL contemplation.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

This is the first line of the Desiderata, a prose poem that was written in 1927 by Max Erhmann. I first became particularly, interested in these words when I asked a friend, “How did you deal with it all?” The question was in reference to our teenage years. She told me, she had memorized the Desiderata and used it as a guide. It reminded her, that she is as important as the stars in the sky.

I have never forgotten her words. And although I don’t have the poem memorized in full, I do know the first line.

It’s been good for me to be silent and BREATH.

The world keeps spinning at a high velocity, and I don’t feel in any danger of flying off the face of the planet. The same force that draws the tide of the ocean, and holds me on the ground rules my personal world.

That force is God.

May you be with Him now!


In my last post, I stated that I was seeking serenity. Peace of mind, is high on my list of priorities. So, I packed my ditty bag and headed to downtown, Jacksonville.

That might not sound like a destination, for a spiritual retreat, but for me, it was. I wanted away from the currents of confusion.  I found a place off Main Street.

I rented this room for a very reasonable price. It was not a hostel, but similar. Like I said before, I’m a shoe-string traveller.

I went for walks. Browsed at Chamberlains Book Store and coffee shop. I did a lot of people watching.

I walked by the tracks. Train songs sang in my head.

I saw this billboard and thought to myself, “Do people really think that is real fruit?”

Then I saw this piece of paper at my feet.

I bent over and read it. I thought to myself, “That’s cool.” I kept on walking. Then I was stopped in my tracks. I wear a diamond ring that I found, just like I found those words on that tattered piece of paper. I went back, picked it up and put it in my pocket. I am still carrying it. I’ve worn my diamond for twenty-eight years. I’ll have to see how long I carry the paper. I know which one is more valuable.

Being raised in the Bible belt, I use to resent people asking me if I was saved. No matter what I said, I couldn’t convince them. I know today, I don’t have to convince anyone and I certainly don’t have to defend myself to God.

I’m back to work now with a new perspective. It’s always nice to take some time out. What a beautiful world we live in~hostel or hostile~it’s a choice.

Those few days in the city, offered the perfect spiritual retreat. 

I think God knows what he’s doing~ I can’t, he can, I think I’ll let him!

Dumb Ass Gringo

When I arrived in Playa Negra/Los Pargos, Costa Rica, to set down stakes, back in 2001, I had “DUMBA*S GRINGA” written on my forehead. I was soaked in it. 

After two years, I was beached. My motor was rusted and my hull was dark. I had gone beyond my limit.

Now mind you, I had surfed and surfed and surfed.

There’s a silver lining to every cloud. The downside of being here, experiencing what is called “the learning curve”; like somehow calling it that, makes everything OK: I chalk up as part of the adventure.

We’re not called “gringos” for nothing.

They say what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.