Daily Inventory

IMG_7482shsSomeone, somewhere would enjoy this picture. Because it’s them! This photo is yet another from Hurricane Sandy. I know Sandy caused horrific destruction on the northern coast, but it generated a few days of great surf here, on Amelia Island.

This particular wave, like many that I took, was shot early in the morning, into our Eastern sun rise.

Secondhand Surfer now has a Facebook page and this is my photo entry for the day.

I plan to post one a day this year.

Sunday Surfers-H.A





IMG_9127wpsI received a Happy Anniversary note from Word Press today. It was a year ago, that I first signed up for this gig. I had no idea where it was headed and I still don’t. This year has seen its ups and downs, with my blog being a steadfast anchor. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and encouraged my photography and writing.

And thanks to all the awesome surfers, who have added a colorful element to my existence, while traveling on this rock called Earth.

H.S – (Hurricane Sandy)

The H.S. is for Hurricane Sandy. Ryan Hammers is the surfer.

I ran into Ryan and his friend.  Visiting surfers from Jacksonville Beach, Big Saturday. They were two of the few people, here on the Island, that ventured out into the waves, that morning.

I got to show Ryan the pictures on the camera screen and he was smiling. Surfing is such a rush. You experience it and then it’s gone. I’m glad I happened to be there, and capture that barrel.

In my photography, now, I can bring some joy to others, by sharing my time and my talent. It helps me to connect with people and challenges me on many levels.

My life is blessed.

Backtracking Sandy~4

This is an example of Day 3 of Hurricane Sandy, here on the island.The entire day looked like this. It was a good day for drinking coffee.The next morning, Rooster and I headed out, after watching the weather, to circle Main Beach ~ the end of the road that crosses the island. We were going to get coffee and cruise around ~ our favorite, island past-time. I was shocked to see two surfers passing by at a high rate of speed. I dashed to the house for my camera, vowing never to be without it AGAIN! I caught up with them at the Log Cabin. Locals will know where that is. All surfbreaks have names.Nice bottom turn.Exciting take-off.

There’s that nice wipe-out I was talking about.

Sandy’s gone~but the photos I have just go, on and on.

Backtracking Sandy ~ 3

This photo is from Sandy ~ Day 5.

The surfer is Angela, a local, science teacher and life guard, who brought her South California surfing skills, to our humble island.

It’s a bit tragic, that what brought us these savory waves, has been devastating up the coast. Anyone that lives near the ocean knows the threat.

It’s wise to respect mother nature.

Backtracking Sandy 1

This is an example of the waves that can get kicked up in a storm, here on our island.When you see pics like this~you’re first thought might be ~ he’s never gonna make that!And then he does ~ 

And then there’s this surfer.This picture was taken on the same day.He had been very selective~choosing one of the less threatening waves.Nice~WIPEOUT!

This surfer is Josh Pinkin. The west wind was blowing him back off  the wave. He was being very cautious. The other surfers and people on the beach had concern. Inside, I was cheering him on. Right now, I had the thought of the ONE wave I rode at Puerto Escondido, Mexico. I could see people on the beach getting out of their chairs and pointing at me. I was an old lady, back then fifteen years ago. Anyway, I made it, he didn’t. There comes a time that every surfer has to step up.

He did and he was obviously happy about it, wipe-out and all.