God Knows

Leaning off the edge of the bed, touching the weights, that remind her of her infirmities, she rose up.

Walking in the dark, she paced herself.

She placed her elbows on the table, in front of her computer. She began to cry.

God knows, she has so much to rise above.



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI started to title this Christian Community ~ but I thought better of it. I don’t want to start a Holy War.

All I know is, I have an opportunity, to meet with fellow Christians and help to feed some hungry people.

It’s Sunday morning and I have found myself congregating with a group called, The Carpenter’s Way. We meet above a restaurant, in the town of Brasilito. They do not pass a basket for money. – hmm…that’s different. Personally, I give, but there’s no part of the sermon where money is asked for.

We have two hundred hot dogs to cook today.

I don’t know if you’ve ever been hungry and without; if you’ve ever felt the humiliation of not being able to feed your family. I have.

And I have been blessed.

It’s all about love and the Grace of God.

So ~ I Praise the Lord!

The Mindful Addict



I have just finished reading Tom Catton’s book, The Mindful Addict. Once I began to read, I only stopped, for what I absolutely had to.

His story of the dark side, and seeking God, reminds me of my own story and the beginning of change in my life.

Abandon yourself to God and great events will come to pass.

Seeking direction, Flobird (Tom’s spiritual mentor) went to the Bible: It said, If you can’t leave houses, children, and wives to follow me, you’re not worthy of me.

Flobird was awesome in her work for God. She allowed herself to be a channel of His love.

Flobird had what I want.

No matter what situation I find myself in, or what problem I think that I have to solve; if I just let go and let God, my life turns out better than I ever could have planned.

Throughout the course of my day, if my thoughts are on helping others, I am going to be happy.

It never fails.

God never fails.

If you’re interested in reading Tom’s book you can purchase it at Amazon.com….

Good Morning!

IMG_7838wppGood morning!

Everyday I want to rise up and enjoy the day the Lord has made.

I’ve been journaling, for around twenty-five years. I began a computer journal in 1997. I have stories, poems, accounts of my life. I have to do lists and declarations. I found a magic in writing. It helps to keep me centered.

When I go back and read, I’m always glad that I wrote.

This photo is another taken during Hurricane Sandy. It’s an anonymous surfer. Photographing this storm caught me by surprise. I felt my addiction to the ocean, to my camera and surfing. I talked to so many people, that I would have never met, had I not had my camera.

I will always have a bit of  OCD, ADD, ADHD and a few other letters of the alphabet. But I transform on the beach, vicariously surfing. My camera is my drug.

I really want to give thanks to God this morning, for all that has been done for me.

This is my reality ~ and until my knees bent, back in 87′, I couldn’t make anything work for me.

Tonight, there is going to be a premier for a locally made movie, King of Fernandina, showcasing an East Coast Surfing Association. It is going to be AWESOME.

It’s a different life ~ different world.