About Andrea Diaz

I did it!

As I’ve said before, this blog, other than being my personal, online journal, is a learning tool for me. I figured out how to embed a U tube video. yeah! Yes, Andrea is speaking in Spanish, but hey, I’m in Costa Rica. And she’s Costa Rican.

On a personal note concerning communication: I think it would enhance the life of any U.S. Citizen, to venture into learning the Spanish language. Look at a map. These countries, the western hemisphere, are our neighbors. If you don’t want to, I realize it’s a personal choice, but I can tell you, it has enriched my life greatly, what little Spanglish and Pidgeon that I speak. I am always working to improve.

This video is about an organization, that Andrea is involved in, teaching life skills through surfing. You can read an article about it in English, in my previous post, Andrea  Diaz. It’s by CRSurf and it’s linked by the word, here.

This is a video of the Roxy/Quicksilver Waves Camp- Surf School- here in Costa Rica. Andrea and fellow Costa Rica surf champions are instructors!

Girls do surf!

*And look, they’re teaching Pipeline Style!

Andrea Diaz

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhen I pulled into the Playa Avellanas parking lot, the Roxy/Quicksilver van was there. I’ve seen it, off and on, through the years. A lot of camps transport surfers here, to surf the Dead Tree break. I caught some waves and then got out of the water, to get my Olympus TG-2. There were some local kids out and I wanted the practice.

To my surprise, I came face to face, with Andrea Diaz-the Costa Rican, surf champion. In August of 2012, she placed fifth, at the World Masters, held in Colorado/Nicaragua.

I had just seen her in a presentation, via Jorge Mora, board shaper and owner of Sick Surfboards. It’s on U Tube. The video is called Surf for Youth 2013. Andrea and other surfers are giving back to the local community.

Jorge is here in Costa Rica, doing what he can to help out this super-worth while effort.

Andrea is one of the instructors for the Roxy/Quicksilver Surf Camp ~Waves Costa Rica.

I never know who I’m going to run into.

What an honor-what a good day.


Emilie Seris-smart, adventurous, world traveling, surfer chic and engineer.

Salt Gypsy

emilie seris

Longtime supporter and avid reader of Salt Gypsy, Emilie Seris is the kind of chica we`d love to meet up with in the lineup. About to gypsy-off on more surf adventures around France, New York, LA and Mexico (can we come??), here`s just a snippet of her story….

I am French, from the South of France, Toulouse, which is a bit inland from the surf. I was very keen and independent from a relatively young age, taking the train on my own at 16 years old so I could go to the beach. My parents have always left me very free. I came to Australia 12 years ago as part of my studies and to surf of course. I wanted to find somewhere where I could combine a good career and surfing. Being good at science, I ended up an engineer and Sydney allows me to do that and surf…

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394463_2626974885499_344919733_nThere goes Eve!

Eve is from Switzerland. She has been a world traveler most of her life, like many of the people, who I meet in Costa Rica. She is a skater and snowboarder, as well as a skydiver.

It’s going to be nice to meet up with a friend in Tamarindo, and warm up on some small waves. There are bigger waves there at times, but on average, it’s the Waikiki of Costa.

Ocean Angels

IMG_9683wpsoIMG_9449wpsoIMG_9595wpsoIMG_9668wps0IMG_9642wpsoIMG_9639wpsoIt won’t be long and I’ll be headed back to the East Coast. I followed my friend to his break, San Onofre, and settled in to take pics. The waves were small, but the sun had come out. These waves are long and it gives a person a chance, to set up and walk around. These women are regulars and practiced. I enjoyed watching and shooting.

I don’t look forward to the flight.

I have done so much in the last week. I’ve visited bad old haunts and good old friends.

It’s been great.

California Bucket List

Jetty Bettys

I have been waiting on waves in Florida, for a long time. We finally are getting some hurricane force offshore. I took these photos AFTER the GOOD surf session. Sorry about any blurs. The camera wants to focus on waves in front of the surfers. It’s just another challenge. Something new to learn.

Nothing like some SALT WATER THERAPY!