The Town Hall Meeting

This was not my first and probably won’t be my last. My husband, myself, and a friend, walked out, when one of the commissioners touted his insights on the situation. He was more than I could bear.

The lights bounced off his bald head, as he sniveled and whined his opinions. His mannerisms were authoritative and condescending. His name is Chapman. His words were so disruptive to my inner universe that he transformed into a movie character. One that you know is going to have something bad happen to him, before the film ends. And when it does, the audience will feel grateful. It would be appropriate karma. Continue reading The Town Hall Meeting

Appreciation Dinner

Last night I attended a dinner, for the owners and members, of my Crossfit box – 32034.  The food was good, everyone looked great. Beaming faces, with bright eyes, long lashes and big smiles, were on every body present. I felt honored to be a part of.

Luke and Erin Riddell are the owners and coaches of a new box on Amelia Island.

After we ate and socialized, they got up and gave a talk about what their Crossfit Box meant to them. Yes, it’s about health and fitness, but it’s also about community and being a better person.

In their prayers, they had asked for thirty members. And as stewards they would assist the members to be able to go out and be lights in the community.

The evening had a feeling of warmth, and a nurturing family.

I needed that.

Jesus loves me, and they love me.

Crossfit 32034!

Crossfit Crazy

The 2018 Games have begun. I have already participated in a 6:oo am WOD and plan on going back at 5:oo pm. I really liked the work out this morning. Lots of good stretches and then the “Hot Sauce”; rowing, burpees and overhead squats. It had me breathing hard, but it didn’t put me down. Continue reading Crossfit Crazy

World Class

sherwood crossfit

We had visitors today at our Box; two families of athletes from Sherwood, Arkansa. One couple were the owners, of Sherwood Crossfit. They were impressive athletes and I could not help but be inspired.

My talk with Jon, after the class, stirred the caldron, of my two continuous conflicting thoughts, that seem to persist, in my pursuit of excellence. One, keep at it, and I will get stronger. Push, but don’t over do it.  And the second is a nagging, feeling that I can do way more.

I find my peace, (where there is none) somewhere in between.

Crossfit is world class.

I took the words of Greg Glassman from the website page of the Sherwood CrossFit page,

They are the recipe.

Can I get healthier? Yes.

Can I get stronger? Yes.

Can I get younger? No.

Does it matter? No.

Am I world class?  ~

Run with the Big Dogs

1.)  Clean your diet out completely for 28 days!

-no sugar, dairy, processed food.

I’ve got a jump on this one. However, I was beginning to slip, with my passion, for chocolate covered almonds.

2.)  Workout with intention

Many of my workouts have been commandeered, by the voice in my head, that tells me, to just make sure I can finish. I go, but I know I can do more!

These are the beginning instructions for a 28 day-challenge, at the 32034 Crossfit Box.

We are divided into teams. Every time we do team work and people are relying on me, I work twice as hard.

Even though I’m 25 years older, than the average athlete, I don’t feel an ounce of discrimination.

I can do this!

I have people to crush! (Which translates to, I want to be as strong as I can, and do as well as I can, in next year’s opens.)

And in the meantime, I’m still editing a wedding, noodling on my guitar, interacting with my loved ones, seeing my chiropractor and getting massages.

I feel good – move along lil’ doggies, move along.


Erin Ridell Carter – My Coach

photo credit – Luke Carter



I am an early, morning riser. At 4 A.M. I sat up and opened my mind to thoughts of cars. Cars that would be parked, in front of the beautiful oaks, that create an outdoor chapel, for my friends to be married in.

I am going to be the photographer.

The photo above is from, one of the best planned weddings, that I ever had the opportunity to shoot.

Often, at weddings, I think, “what were they thinking?” So many seemingly small, however, important details are overlooked. It’s as if the planner, either didn’t care or didn’t know better. Continue reading OK!

The Internal Dialogue

30713121_10215700904537219_8093810116341530624_nThe other day was a bumpy one;  life on life’s terms. As I laid my head, on my pillow, I could hear the voices of the people, that I work out with, in Cross Fit. They chanted, “You’ve got this, Miss Cheri.” “You can do it.” They were a choir of encouragement. It dawned on me how powerful that is.

As a whole ~

Cross Fit has been the most challenging and positive influence, in my entire life. 

Where will I go from here.