Who am I?

I am Cheri Eagerton Royal/JBug……..

Yes, this is a screen shot of my instagram page – @everydaypaparazza. I googled myself. This is who I am. Or I should say part of who I am. A good part. Almost a 1000 photos of beautiful people. I interacted with many that I did not know. It was so much fun. My camera has always helped me to communicate with others.

This Instagram was created on the heels of my surf photography. My daughter acquired cancer and that changed everything. I spent 5 years, dislodged. Two with her being sick and three filled with grief. Battling anger over circumstances I could do nothing about.

I am also a writer/artist/musician/massage therapist. CrossFitter and surfer. Grandmother and Great-grandmother – Life long traveler and adventurer. Plumber and problem solver.

I have been hung up on my writing. I haven’t been posting. I over think. Or am I practicing discernment?

I recently joined a writing group and two of the members are focused on followers. I always make it clear that is not my intent. I write for clarity. To ease monkey mind. To share with others. People who visit my site. Other blogger friends. I am documenting.

I am in Costa Rica. I am here only for the day. Who knows what is going to happen next?

I have owned this corner in Playa Potrero for 24 years. I have watched people come and people go. They build houses, get robbed, their house falls apart. Home invasions. Drug cartel. Roads wash away. Pura vida turns into a polite F-U.

And it all began with my desire to surf. And surf and surf some more.

Now I’m older. My island home, Amelia, is run over by fast cars, brewery houses, plantations, golf courses and hurricane insurance.

The latest problem is Huegonot Park – one of my favorite spots to surf, has been closed.

Approaching 70, I was considering moving back to the island. I was going to leave Costa Rica in the rear view mirror. Now I just don’t know.

Step by step, inch by inch, slowly I turn.

Like I said – One Day at a Time

One Wave at a Time

Published by

Fish Eye Farm

I am an artist, surfer, musician. I travel. I write. I am like everyone else - I am a photographer. I am a good photographer. I have a love for peace and humanity. I am a 5th generation Floridian. Raised in Whitehouse/Westside. I am a Peace Seeker through reading, writing and education.

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