The Life of a Dedicated Beach Bum

What is this world coming to?

I was shocked to see this sign at the entrance of the Auto Mercado in Tamarindo, Costa Rica! I had clothes on, so I was good. Having just left the beach, playing with my dog. I enjoyed seeing the students and horses. Tourists – having fun. On another day I might have been surfing and at the start of my first grocery pit stop. I have 5 between Tamarindo and Playa Potrero. It’s necessary to try and beat the cost of today’s groceries

I am currently living in flux, in Costa Rica. – I’ve dug a glorious hole here. It started one way and has ended up another.

Surfing is my passion. Honestly, it’s the beach. If for some reason I could not surf, I would still want to be in the water.

Surf magazine is responsible for this crazy lifestyle. That magazine along with Longboarder. As a teenager I looked at those photos and began my dreams, of getting away. A hut like abode would be fine. Water sparkling like diamonds. Catching waves and living life. As a teenager, what did I know about it all. We’re not suppose to know. If we knew, we would never branch out.

Living on Amelia Island, Florida, I spent my summers in a bathing suit. That’s what beach people do. I would paddle out so far. Play on the beach at night. Swim out at the nine mile marker. Now everyone wants to protect me. WTHeck – Really?

And that’s the problem. Most of these people, here in Tama, CR and Amelia Island, FL, are not beach people. They are here for a time. They want bars, restaurants, convenience. They probably need protecting. Tourists would not be here unless there was a doctor on every corner. When we go on distant adventures we take a First Aid Kit, with a circular needle and thread. Alcohol and bandages.

This is no longer my cup of tea.

I have a new dream and it involves Saladita, Mexico.

@surfitoutmexico Risa Mara Machuca – Have y’all seen that woman surf!

That’s my new dream. A new wave. A new destination.

I will enjoy this lull of life, but today, I have a new vision.

*I realize Saladita is a town But I don’t care. I want to see Risa surf in person. And I am frothing for that wave.*

Published by

Fish Eye Farm

I am an artist, surfer, musician. I travel. I write. I am like everyone else - I am a photographer. I am a good photographer. I have a love for peace and humanity. I am a 5th generation Floridian. Raised in Whitehouse/Westside. I am a Peace Seeker through reading, writing and education.

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