
IMG_0198In which direction am I going?

This has been a relatively constant theme in my life, both value and direction. And how does one affect the other.

The fish above are a red bass and a trout. Which is more valuable? Would they have had more value, if I had cleaned them off and held them up properly for their photo. Could I have made them more respectable fish?

There is no breath in the fish. There is no life. Did their fish souls fly to heaven? Are they in the big ocean in the sky?

Is it over populated there? Do they tell you how to swim? Are some spots better than others?

Were these fish unable to stand their ground?

Were their deaths due to high tech spider wire?

Value the fluid questions. Static sucks.


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Fish Eye Farm

I am an artist, surfer, musician. I travel. I write. I am like everyone else - I am a photographer. I am a good photographer. I have a love for peace and humanity. I am a 5th generation Floridian. Raised in Whitehouse/Westside. I am a Peace Seeker through reading, writing and education.

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