The Business of Blogging

It seems I have given myself yet another job, where I work for FREE.

My unpaid jobs pay me in a way that money cannot provide.

I enjoy writing my blog. I think it’s because it is socializing. I connect with people I will never see and never know, except through their writing and their pictures.

I read other people’s blogs and yes, we are all stories. There are three that have affected me recently; The Skeptical Teenager, The Beauty Within and another one that I can’t find again. I thought for sure I liked one of her posts, but it’s not on file. She was a woman whose grammar didn’t exist. She wrote in the vernacular and her blog was the story of her life. She only had four posts and I couldn’t believe it~she had 78 followers.

Writing is powerful.

It is art.

It is informative.

It can take you apart and it can put you back together.

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Fish Eye Farm

I am an artist, surfer, musician. I travel. I write. I am like everyone else - I am a photographer. I am a good photographer. I have a love for peace and humanity. I am a 5th generation Floridian. Raised in Whitehouse/Westside. I am a Peace Seeker through reading, writing and education.

9 thoughts on “The Business of Blogging”

  1. Reblogged this on Let Go Like Water and commented:

    #35 I am randomly posting from the past. This one from 2012. Both fellow bloggers bowed out years ago. As it seems, with most of the people that I started with. I no longer want non – paying jobs. I’ve paid a lot of dues.


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